Solstice Celebration
★ WHEN: Saturday, June 20, 2020 @ 7PM
★ WHERE: Central Park Water Park
★ BRING: Mat, Water, Journal/Pen, Bug Spray
Total “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse on the ✜ Summer Solstice ✜ with a NEW MOON of Cancer, and the other alignments present, make this a rare “seed” moment turning point.
Cancer is archetype of the Mother, She is the cosmic womb from whence we emerge from, and the Feminine energy that lives within each of us, regardless of gender. She rules emotions and this period of time is unearthing deep emotions along with core trauma that many of us have experienced. There is a lot being unburied as the tectonic plates of our world shift.
Compassion is what is needed to be seeded this Eclipse. This empathic Mother SEED will have reverberations for months to come, as we continue on this journey of our evolutionary turning.
The healing salve is to allow, listen and integrate, uphold the dignity of the human spirit, and lean into Her enveloping love, compassion, and empathy for ourselves and others who are hurting.
Cancer, symbolically personified as the crab, carries Her home with her.
Symbolically, She is always home.
She belongs.
Mercury just went Retrograde in Cancer (6/17) as well, so the usual inward-moving, reflective energy of Mercury Rx, is further accentuated in Cancer encouraging us to take time to anchor into the safety of our home within.
The Mother wisdom that Cancer brings reminds us to tend to ourselves first, so we can RESET and have the strength and resilience to care for others for the long haul.
I recommended taking this next Moon cycle, during Mercury RX, away from social media to listen and be receptive to all that is transforming.
Wishing all of us much tenderness and love and we break open and break-through these times of activation.
Many blessings on this profound SOLSTICE as the cosmic wheel turns!
With all my heart~
Astrologer SARAH VARCAS shares:
“Because a Solar Eclipse always occurs at a New Moon, it augurs a period of intense creativity which benefits from deep reflection around the time of the actual Eclipse. This stillness allows the needs of the moment to make themselves felt and enables us to respond with greater sensitivity and wisdom. Whilst we may feel compelled to act at the time of a Solar Eclipse, action taken under such compulsion often falls short of our desired outcome if we don’t first turn within to discern the appropriateness of our response. In essence, this Solar Eclipse primes us to think and feel with a greater degree of consciousness and apply our thoughts and feelings to the conscious act of creating the world we desire. The seed thoughts and feelings planted at this eclipse will grow strong and vibrant if watered with incisive wisdom, fierce compassion and a robust commitment to birth a new world from the on-going demise of the old one. Because hurts are such an important part of our learning experience, we must learn to use the hurt as an antidote, a healing medicine that helps us to move forward rather than an experience that shuts us down. We must learn to use the experience as a special kind of food - food that is meant to give us strength, ambition, motivation, and courage to continue our purpose. If as adults and parents we can bring this understanding to our children's lives and create a ritual whereby they can flush the negative elements out of their lives and begin with a brand new eye and renewed determination, then we will have accomplished something not just for them, not just for our families, but for the greater good of all."
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